The information contained on a Certificate of Registration is based on details provided to The Australian Stock Horse Society Limited by Members for the purpose of the Society's record keeping. Whilst exercising due care, the Society is unable to guarantee the accuracy or authenticity of such information and cannot accept any responsibility. Any application submitted to the Society remains the property of The Australian Stock Horse Society Limited at all times.
A horse's Certificate of Registration is unable to be sold and remains the property of The Australian Stock Horse Society Limited. The Registration, Transfer or Lease Application does not constitute proof of legal or beneficial ownership of any horse.
The Australian Stock Horse Society Limited lists advertisements provided by advertisers but gives no warranty and makes no representation as to the truth, accuracy or sufficiency of any advertisement or any description, photograph or statement therein. The Australian Stock Horse Society Limited accepts no liability for any loss suffered by any person as a consequence of reliance on any advertisement or other material on this website.
The Society is unable to provide any guarantees as to the suitability of any horse and interested persons must rely on their own enquiries in this regard. People making enquiries in relation to suitability should include: health, soundness, temperament, performance, ability, fertility and the like. With regard to genetic disorders, the Society makes no warranty that any horse is free from any genetic disorders and people must rely upon their own inspections, enquiries and assessments in this regard.
Website Privacy Statement
Privacy Statement
The Australian Stock Horse Society Limited (the Society) is required to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles in collecting, using, disclosing and disposing of Members' personal information.
Personal information is any information that can be used to identify a person. The types of information the Society collects include Members' names, addresses and other contact details and stud information.
The purposes for which the Society collects such information are as follows:
To facilitate communication between Members.
To communicate with Members including the distribution of newsletters.
For administration purposes, including the distribution of information to Branches, Management Councils and other Members for the purpose of identifying horses, completing registrations and transfers, obtaining breeding, stud services and performance records, conducting sales and competitions, coaching clinics and the like.
Maintaining the Society's Online Stud Book and horse's Certificate of Registration.
Complying with the Society's legal obligations.
In completing and returning to the Society any request by the Society for information relating to the Member, a Member will be considered to have consented to the collection of the information and to disclosure of the information for the purposes outlined above. If Members do not consent to such disclosure, formal notice in writing should be given to the Society. In this event, the Society will only use a Member's personal information for the purpose of contacting the member, and any such information will not be disclosed to Branches or Management.
The Society will not disclose a Member's personal information for any other purpose without the Member's specific written consent.
In accordance with the National Privacy Principles, the Society will endeavour to ensure that:
Personal information is kept secure.
Personal information will be maintained accurately. Members should contact the Society to update any personal information that the Society holds relating to them.
Personal information will be destroyed when it is no longer required for any purpose for which it was collected.
Members may gain access to their personal information held by the Society and may correct it if necessary.
Until 31st December 2025, pay just 25% of the current Registration Fee for BREEDING PURPOSES ONLY mares, fillies, stallions and colts - that's a 75% discount.
A horse shall be eligible for registration for BREEDING PURPOSES ONLY, if it is a Thoroughbred registered in the Thoroughbred Stud Book with a Thoroughbred Stud Book authority, recognised by the International Stud Book Committee (ISBC).
Horses eligible for BREEDING PURPOSES ONLY need to pass inspection by a Society Inspector prior to registration.
Horses will only be accepted as equivalent to Second Cross status.
View Stud Book Convenor Barry Moore's video message here:
Sam Amey has been nominated for re-election as Director for NSW in the upcoming Board Elections.
Dear Members of the Australian Stock Horse Society,
I come from Gundaroo in Southern NSW and a proud father of two daughters and a son.
I have been involved with horses most of my life, from competing in rider classes and ponies at Royal Shows with my family, to Pony Club, polocrosse, then becoming involved with Australian Stock Horses with my wife, Rachael.
In 2006, we formed an Australian Stock Horse stud under the prefix ASAR. My family and I travel extensively throughout NSW, Queensland, Victoria and the Northern Territory, competing and judging ASH events and playing polocrosse.
I have competed at Royal and National ASH events, campdrafting and challenges when time permits. I have also coached (NSW and NT) and played polocrosse (NSW) at State and National events.
I love seeing my children riding and competing on home bred and trained Australian Stock Horses. I am passionate about the development of the youth in our Society and firmly believe the youth are our future.
A Plumber by trade, I have owned and operated my own business for over 20 years, with most of the work being new project homes and multi-unit developments.
I have experience across many aspects of the Society being a breeder and competitor. I love to talk to Members and hear from others that share my love and passion for the Australian Stock Horse.
Sam Amey
Hugh Barnet has been nominated for election as Director for South Queensland in the upcoming Board Elections.
Dear Members of the Australian Stock Horse Society,
I have always been passionate about horses and have ridden since I was four, growing up on family properties near Burren Junction and Walcha, NSW. I rode at Pony Club from the age of 5 to 17 and have continued in various disciplines such as ASH shows, futurities, challenges, campdrafting and polocrosse. In addition to competing, I’ve also worked in training horses for polo, harness work, working on films, breaking in horses on cattle properties/stations and handled foals, weanlings and yearlings for Thoroughbred studs.
I am a Diamond Member (being a Member for over 50 years), joining as a teenager with a keen interest to follow the newly formed Society and an intention to own Australian Stock Horses. My first formal position was as Branch President of the Whitsunday Branch in the mid-1990s and I have also been an ASH Inspector since that time.
Our family, wife Shelly and 3 adult children, have also been involved in competition at various levels including ASH Branch activities and we continue to breed registered horses under the ‘Manada’ prefix. We have bred over 50 registered horses over the years with 2 HSH stallions and many unregistered station horses bred by these stallions in QLD, NT and WA. Shelly and I now live at Hodgson Vale, QLD (just outside Toowoomba) and I have continued my association within the rural sector as a Consultant /Advisor. My career has included senior management positions for family and corporate entities including Goonoo Goonoo Station, Stanbroke Pastoral, Balmoral Stations and Heytesbury Cattle Company. Throughout this time, I have undergone management training programs and completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors course (MAICD).
As previously mentioned, I am passionate about horses and in particular the future of the Australian Stock Horse Society and how the Society can continue to offer value and support to a changing membership base. The current discussion around HSH and different levels of horse registration is an example for potential changes to the communications strategy to Members. I believe that topics such as Foal Recording and DNA requirements need further discussion. The Society is a business based on membership and registrations and the future relevance will need to add more value to all Members across the various disciplines. In recent times the level of investment by horse owners has grown exponentially and we need to capture and retain this enthusiasm so that Australian Stock Horses are at the forefront. I feel that there is also opportunity for some changes in the type of events, education and training programs provided by the ASHS.
Thank you for considering my nomination as a Director on the ASHS Board.
Hugh Barnet
Amanda Sweeper has been nominated for election as Director for South Queensland in the upcoming Board Elections.
I grew up in a family of sailors, so when I asked for a horse at the age of 14 the answer was ‘No’, and so of course I got my first horse. My parents soon found themselves the somewhat apprehensive purchasers of a little Thoroughbred mare called ‘Ripples’ for $500. I say, ‘What doesn’t kill you, teaches you to hang on tighter,’ and by some divine intervention she did not manage to kill me though she certainly did try.
I joined the Samford Polocrosse Juniors team before deciding that wrestling a saddle-bronc across a field whilst dodging wooden rackets to the face wasn’t my ideal horse sport and absconded to the Samford Pony Club where I developed my skills and trained several Thoroughbreds into Elementary dressage horses. The problem with dressage however was that it involved riding for 12 minutes and waiting 10 hours for results. I decided showing horses was for me and I put Ripples in foal to the ASH stallion DINKUM PEPSI, allowing me to move into the Australian Stock Horse world by registering my ASB mare as Breeding Purposes. I then purchased DINKUM PEPSI’s black 2yo daughter WIN D CAT WALK. This was the start of my love of the ABBEY - FS HSH/ABDUL - IS HSH bloodline with their impressive fronts, natural collection and beautiful heads.
WIN D CAT WALK was one of the most highly decorated show horses of her time including winning the Show Series in SE Qld, Champion Mare and Reserve Champion Mare at Brisbane Royal, Champion Hack in English Attire at Warwick ASH Nationals and Reserve Champion Hack in English Attire the following year at Narrabri ASH Nationals.
A few years later I was lucky to be able to purchase KOORALA BLACK LABEL - HSH, one of the last sons of PALMERS FORT ABDUL - IS HSH who was out of an ELLIOTTS CREEK CADET - FS HSH daughter. His Heritage bloodlines along with Cat Walk and a few THE ECHO RIVOLI RELIC - HSH mares, became the foundation to Topshelf Stock Horses. At 22 years of age Black Label is still breeding top quality show horses and multiple national champions including the Supreme National Led Exhibit, TOPSHELF ENVY - HSH.
Part of my breeding program is the safeguarding of these ASH bloodlines, with TOPSHELF ABSOLUTE - HSH being part of that legacy. At 5 years old he has won at Royal and National shows, being successfully broken in, trained and campaigned by Kate Clancy of Narrabri, NSW, where he currently stands at stud.
I have been an active ASHS Member for 26 years being a committee member in both the East Moreton Branch and now the West Moreton Branches. I have enjoyed working within committees to run Branch shows and futurities and was the President of West Moreton Branch when we successfully ran the National Youth Show in Esk, Queensland. I have been an ASHS Level 1 Judge since the start of the ASHS Judges scheme and have completed the Level 2 course. I also achieved my accreditation as a Level 1 ASHS Coach.
Away from horses, I studied degrees in Psychology and Education at University and enjoyed a long teaching and leadership career before taking leave to care for my daughter. Abigail unfortunately sustained a spinal cord injury during a horse fall when she was ten years old but still enjoys showing her horses in led classes from her wheelchair and competing in junior judging.
I recently completed my Masters in Guidance and Counselling at University, am a qualified Guidance Officer and work as a NDIS consultant, helping other parents make sense of the NDIS.
I would like to serve as a Board Member of the Australian Stock Horse Society for four reasons:
To help protect the bloodlines of our Australian Stock Horses for future generations and uphold the Constitution of the ASHS.
To ensure ASHS Members are protected according to the Insurance policies held by the ASHS, and that the best is being done for Members on this matter.
To ensure transparency and connection between the Board and the Members in decisions that impact the ASH as a competitive, marketable product and national icon.
To ensure the ASHS represents value for money for Members, gives Members purpose to belong to the Society, and is run in an efficient and necessary manner that is sustainable for a not-for-profit organisation.
Thank you for considering my nomination for the ASHS Board of Directors.
Amanda Sweeper
The ASHS Board of Directors is calling for Member feedback in relation to Heritage Stock Horses currently registered within the categories of Base Registry and First Cross.
Under the Constitution, HSH is recognised as the highest standard of breeding of the Australian Stock Horse.
It has been identified, there are HSH currently registered as Base Registry and First Cross horses.
The Board asks, should Base Registry and First Cross horses with HSH status be elevated to Second Cross?
Note, Second Cross includes the sub-category of Special Merit which existed until August 2022.
Members are encouraged to take part in the Board's three-part Member consultation process:
WATCH the video from Stud Book Convenor Barry Moore, available via the ASHS Facebook page
If this change is favoured by the Membership, it will require a change to the Constitution; a motion will be presented at the AGM and require acceptance by at least 75% of Members present (or the Member's vote via proxy).
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we thank you for your contributions.
Barry Moore has been nominated for re-election as Director for NSW in the upcoming Board Elections.
Hello to the community of Australian Stock Horse Society Members,
My name is Barry Moore, I live in Kelvin (Gunnedah) with my wife Jodie and children Jessica, Lachlan and Isabelle, where we operate the Starwaltz A.S.H Stud and a small Hereford breeding program. I was born and raised in Singleton on a dairy farm, and this is where my love of the land, Australia, heritage and tradition and, of course, the Australian Stock Horse, was developed.
I am currently employed as Branch Manager for Lear & Smith Electrical Wholesalers in Gunnedah. I have held this position for almost two years after being an electrician for most of my working life. In my role I manage the day-to-day operations of the Branch, which includes managing a staff of five, maintaining compliance with WH&S, controlling inventory levels, being accountable for the P & L and overseeing customer accounts.
My family and I have been breeding Starwaltz Australian Stock Horses for almost 35 years and have reached Platinum Membership status, which we are extremely proud of. It is an honor to continue the great legacy of breeding an Australian Stock Horse with Heritage bloodlines.
For many years, I have been involved with my local Branch. This is a great way to give back to the Society at the ground level, by assisting new Members and our youth on their journey with the ASHS. It is our Branch network that provides so much for our Members and their horses. I also thoroughly enjoy and have pride and responsibility in being an Accredited Judge and Inspector.
I never shy away from celebrating our heritage, and I strongly believe in it. Our Australian Stock Horse is a unique breed of horse that had been developed for well over 100 years before the establishment of the ASHS in 1971. This is why the Heritage Stock Horse bloodlines are so important, they hold the uniqueness and the versatility and are the result of all the years of purpose breeding by our outstanding founding Members and their ancestors. As was said by Alex Braid in 1971, “We must establish a society for the betterment of the Australian Horse.” Alex and other founding Members of our Society knew that we had a wonderful Australian-bred horse, purpose-bred for Australian conditions since the 1800s, that needed to be formally recognized, preserved and shown to the world. This idealism created our mission, aims, and vision, which remains the same to this day and which I thoroughly acknowledge and abide by.
I was first elected to the Board in 2019, continuing to serve for two full terms. During my time on the Board, I have been thoroughly involved and have held the positions of Chairman of the 50th-Anniversary Committee, Stud Book Convener, Junior Vice-Chairman and Chairman.
I hereby seek the approval of the NSW ASHS Membership to continue my work for my third and final term as NSW Director. These roles require dedication, time, and energy to ensure the growth and prosperity of the Society. It is a responsibility I take seriously and one I am passionate about fulfilling for the benefit of all our Members and the continued success of the Australian Stock Horse.
I thank you for your due consideration and for your past support.
Yours Sincerely,
Barry Moore
Here at The Australian Stock Horse Society, we’re celebrating a wonderful show for the Breed, which culminated in a record-blitzing sale at the 2025 Nutrien Classic last week.
𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙘𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙧 - 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖𝙣 𝘼𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙃𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙚! 8 out of 10 finalists in the Stallion, Classic and Gelding Campdrafts and 7 out of 10 finalists in the Open Campdraft were Registered Australian Stock Horses.
The Society was proud to support both the Pryde's EasiFeed Australian Performance Horse Challenge and the Nutrien Classic Campdraft, awarding:
𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗲𝘀𝘁-𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗔𝗦𝗛 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲 – Second place-getter Michael Wilson & WILLDRAFT BISCUIT (ACRES DESTINY/ Dual Rey Biscuit)
𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗲𝘀𝘁-𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗔𝗦𝗛 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗳𝘁 – Second place-getter (just one point off the pace!) Penny Macintosh & TOONGA ROYALTY (One Time Royalty/ HAZELWOOD CORALINE) owned by Warrick Pearsall
Congratulations also to Mat Holz, who took home the chocolates in the Martins Stock Haulage Open Campdraft with Matthew Moy’s HAZELWOOD COUNTRY BLUES (HAZELWOOD CONMAN – HSH/ HAZELWOOD BLUE CHICK) after a gritty run-off with Wyatt Young & METALLIC STORM.
In the sales ring, competition was fierce for the Conman mares, with Ben and Laura McNaughton’s three year-old filly AMAC ROMANTIC GIRL (HAZELWOOD CONMAN – HSH/ Tassas Cowgirl) snapped up for a 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 $𝟭𝟱𝟬,𝟬𝟬𝟬 by the Byron Syndicate, and two four year-old mares HAZELWOOD CODESSA (HAZELWOOD CONMAN – HSH/ HAZELWOOD MATRON) and EAGLE CONNIE – HSH (HAZELWOOD CONMAN – HSH/ KIRKBYS STUD BONITA – HSH) fetching $100,000 and $90,000 for vendors Terry and Chris Hall and the Siejka family respectively.
Meanwhile, the Zahl family sold the three year-old filly HALOSPRINGS RHEMA (BOONARA GIGOLO/ ROGANS JULIA) to Greg and Andrea Lithgow for a 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝘂𝘁 $𝟭𝟯𝟬,𝟬𝟬𝟬, while Cody Hansen and Kellie Pickersgill sold the four year-old mare HASSETTS ELREY (Dual Rey/ Adamac Elmer) to a syndicate buyer for $110,000, and Noel Giebel sold the four year-old mare THE FIRST LADY (HAZELWOOD CONGRESSMAN/ The Generals Daughter) also to a syndicate buyer for $100,000.
In the gelding lots, Michael Wilson’s well-performed five year-old WILLDRAFT BISCUIT (ACRES DESTINY/ Dual Rey Biscuit) fetched $52,500, going to Macaroni Contractors, while Ella Hill sold the four year-old gelding BRAEHILL BOOGIEMAN (HAZELWOOD CONMAN – HSH/ BRAEHILL SERENA) to Henry Quilty also for $52,500, and top of the Registered ASH stallions was Terry and Chris Hall's three year-old colt HAZELWOOD COSTAFIELD (HAZELWOOD CONMAN – HSH/ Chisums Cash) sold to Jubilee Downs PC for $80,000.
Last (but not least!) we congratulate Hannah Law, who represented the Society wonderfully in the 2025 Classic Ladies Foundation Young Ambassador Quest – thank you Hannah, you did us proud!
Photos: Ben and Laura McNaughton's AMAC ROMANTIC GIRL was purchased by the Byron Syndicate for $150,000; the Zahl family's HALOSPRINGS RHEMA was purchased by Greg and Andrea Lithgow for $130,000.
Always thought about becoming a Judge? Make this year your year, and become an Accredited ASHS Judge.
The Society has implemented a two-phase accreditation course for ASHS Accredited Judges, which consists of a self-paced online component and assessment followed by a one-day practical workshop:
Once we’ve received your Application, you will be enrolled in the online learning component of the course
Once we’ve received adequate interest, a one-day practical workshop will be held in your area
Get started today by completing your Application Form:
Application Forms should be forwarded to:
Photo: Rodneys Photography.
The Society is proud to continue to support the sport of polocrosse and would like to extend its congratulations to the winners of this year's Queensland Polocrosse ASH Awards.
The winners were announced at the Presentation Dinner on Saturday night at Warwick. Many thanks to ASHS Director, Lorna Fanning for attending and making the presentations.
A huge congratulations to the breeders, owners and riders of the following awardees:
• Dan Blyth – Mens Rookie Horse – JAYLYN DOWNS ELLE
• Matt Davison – Mens Open Horse – BERRAGOON OBSESSION
• Beth Hafey – Womens Open Horse– JAYLYN DOWNS MEMPHIS
• Storm Gould – Junior Open Horse - TULLOCH BRAE LEXIE JANE - HSH
The Society was pleased to support the recent Zone 7 Jamboree by providing Highest Scoring Australian Stock Horse Awards.
Congratulations to the following winners L-R:
Anastasia Martin & THE ECHO PHANTOM - HSH
If you are Under 21Yrs and compete on a registered, competition eligible Australian Stock Horse, don't forget to submit your Nomination & Performance Record to be in the running for great prizes in the 2024 ASHS National Youth Point Score.
Records tumbled, while Branch President Rick Young says, "the crowd was like nothing we've seen in years."
Fetching $130,000 top money was the five year-old mare WESTLAKE CORINA (HAZELWOOD CONMAN - HSH/ Chickasha Olivia (ACRES DESTINY/ CHICKASHA MISS)) sold on account Cameron Parker, Westwood, Qld, to Robert and Angela, Tansey, Qld, while best of the geldings was the four year-old WESTLAKE COLLUSION (HAZELWOOD CONMAN - HSH/ BULLUNBUD ILLUSION) sold on account Peter and Jessica Turich, Dalby, Qld, to Kate Southern, St George, Qld, for $70,000.
The top-priced stallion was the three year-old WARREGOLD RAINMAKER - HSH (PECHEY STUD TRADITION/ WARREGOLD FACET - HSH) sold on account SJ & UM Keating, Chinchilla, Qld, to an online buyer for $20,000.
Our congratulations to all vendors and purchasers - we wish new owners every success with their Australian Stock Horses.
Photo: Elite Edge Media.
The Chairman of the ASHS Board Jenny Petrich would like to sincerely thank Mrs. Amy Grubb for her dedication, enthusiasm, and passion as a Director of the Australian Stock Horse Society in the past two years.
Sadly, Amy has tendered her resignation as a Director of the ASHS stating, "While it has been an honour to serve, my family, work, and farm commitments currently require my full attention, and I recognise that I am unable to give the role of Board Member the time and dedication it truly deserves."
Amy’s contribution has been invaluable during her time on the Board representing South East Australian Members.
The Board’s best wishes for Amy's future endeavours are warmly extended to the whole family.
From 1st January 2025, registration fees for Base Registry Stallions & Colts (any age) will be $3,240. This fee includes Sire Registration, DNA & GDT testing. The applications for any Base Registry Stallions or Colts received prior to 1st January will be accepted at the current rates.
Members are advised, all pending applications received prior to 1st January 2025 must be fully completed (including DNA testing), the horse registered and a Certificate of Registration released to the owner no later than 31st March 2025.
3.3.2. Competitors cease to be eligible to compete in an Encouragement Challenge after winning one ASH Open Age Stockman's Challenge, ASH Encouragement, Futurity, Maturity or similar non-ASH Stockman's Challenge with the exception of a Junior Rider or Juvenile Rider Stockman's Challenge OR any Open Age Campdraft (i.e. Maiden, Novice, Open, Ladies, Associate) or Restricted Campdraft.
3.3.3. In general, Encouragement Challenges are conducted for less experienced riders to be able to compete against competitors of the same experience level.
3.3.4. The horse's status is not considered.
2. Tack & Attire
The Board reviewed and considered tack and the current list of acceptable tack. In the interests of animal welfare, the Board has made a decision to ban the use of rearing bits and tongue ties, effective immediately.
3. 2025 Membership Fees
When setting the fee structure for 2025, the Board took into account the current CPI and the cost of living pressures faced by many Australians. As such, the Board has set the following for 2025:
Youth Participant
Increases have been kept to a minimum and kept below the CPI. The Youth Participant membership fee remains unchanged. For 2025, the Board has also introduced a discount for families, where the third Youth or Youth Participant Membership in the same household will be complimentary. Please contact Head Office for full details.
4. Pattern Book
The Events Committee has updated the Pattern Book. New hack and working patterns will be added. Two new polocrosse patterns will also be included in the Pattern Book.
5. DNA
This has been discussed for many years and there has been a stepped approach to introducing DNA across the various categories of registration. Effective 1st October 2025, DNA will be compulsory for all new registrations in all categories.
6. Branch Rules
The Board has reviewed the feedback regarding the new Branch Rules. A final version will be distributed to Branches for adoption. The final version will ensure consistency and compliance with each relevant State's regulations.
7. Update to Rules & Regulations
Progeny with parents recorded by the Society as negative for the same Genetic Disorder - clear (n/n), will not be required to be tested for that disorder. Progeny must be DNA parentage tested and may still require testing for other Genetic Disorders.
From 1st September 2024, Members have the option of branding and/or microchipping horses for identification purposes for registration.
Please refer to the updated Rules & Regulations for full details of the above changes.
Following the Board Meeting held after the 2024 ASHS AGM in May:
All Management Councils will be gifted an “A” brand to use in their local area. We encourage Management Councils and Branches to host branding days, with all proceeds raised to be retained by the Management Councils.
Oocytes: The Board has now received legal advice regarding breeding and selling of oocytes. The Stud Book Committee will review the advice and refer back to the Board to determine a pathway forward.
Fountain of Youth Sale: There are a lot of sales across the country. The Board feel that the Society would be best-placed to focus on core business activities and support Branches and organisations hosting ASH Sales. The Board has made the difficult decision to cease running the FOY Sale. As a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation, we are not in the positon to heavily fund incentives, but we are committed to honouring the FOY Challenge Incentives currently in place.
Drug Policy Review: Perhaps long overdue, a working group has been formed to review the current Drug Policy.
Unregistered horses: A review of unregistered horses participating in ASH Branch competitions and activities is being undertaken. Allowing unregistered horses and non-members access to ASH events was originally allowed to help the regional and remote Branches attract a greater number of entries, therefore making events viable. A thorough review is being undertaken with consideration given to all States and Territories. An update will be provided upon completion of the review.
ASH Journal: A review of the Journal has been completed and presented at the last Board Meeting. The review included costing, Member feedback, and the impact of social media and other communication channels. A decision was made to change the frequency of the Journal to quarterly. Commencing 2025, the Journal will be issued in February, May, August and November.
Pilot Level 1 Remote Judges Accreditation Program: The Board have endorsed this self-paced pilot program. A small group of participants have been invited to participate and to provide feedback. Should this prove successful, the Society will look to expand the offering, not only to regional and remote Australia, but also to the International Membership.
Led Pattern Scoring Matrix: Currently there is a trial Led Pattern Scoring Matrix in circulation, with the scoring for type and conformation weighted at 50% of the overall score. The Society has a Standard of Excellence and the trial scoring matrix gives higher priority to this. The Standard of Excellence is the standard we strive for.
ASHS National Campdraft Championships: This is the third year the Board have hosted the ASHS National Campdraft Championships at Goondiwindi. An NCC Host Package has been approved by the Board for Branches/Management Councils to host the 2025 ASHS National Campdraft Championships. Any interested Branch/Branches/Management Councils, should contact the General Manager for details.
A Polocrosse Working Group has been formed, consisting of Amy Grubb, Sam Amey, Anna Kennedy and Catherine Smith. We look forward to continuing to support Australian Stock Horses in the sport of polocrosse.
The Chairman of the Board is pleased to announce the results of the 2024 Board Elections in WA.
Elected for WA for a three-year term| Anna Kennedy
Congratulations Anna and a warm welcome to the ASHS Board of Directors.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM & Board Meeting on the 25th and 26th May in Perth.
The Board would especially like to thank outgoing Director for WA, Lance Butcher, for his extensive contributions in the past six years and to Kerryn Mickle, for her interest and support of the ASHS through nominating in this election.
Kerryn Mickle has been nominated for election as Director for Western Australia in the upcoming Board Elections.
About Kerryn
Having been involved in horses since an early age I have competed and held positions across a field of equestrian pursuits, including roles such as Director of the Board of the Polocrosse Association of Australia and Vice-President of the WA State Management Council.
Whilst with the PAA I contributed to the High-Performance Development Plan for players leading up the 2019 World Cup, wrote and implemented the Australian Team Managers Manual for International Competition, was the liaison person with ASADA [where we educated members regarding the use of drugs in sport] and ran the social media pages for PAA.
I am a Level 2 Coach for polocrosse and coach regularly at local clinics and Pony Club, where I enjoy being at grass roots level. I am also an ASH Judge and regularly judge at ASH and Open Ridden events in Western Australia.
Based in Kojonup, I enjoy working with and competing with my home-bred Australian Stock Horses, and encouraging others to be active members of the ASHS across all disciplines.
I am very passionate about governance and believe that all members of a club [not just the ASHS] are entitled to clear, fair and transparent communications and opportunities, as their associations offer.
My work career includes many years at management level of corporate rural entities, where my focus has been on maintaining sound financial performance and HR management. I have a strong business acumen proven by identifying and capitalising on growth opportunities, and have demonstrated ability to think laterally and problem solve.
I currently work as a rural financial counsellor, working with farmers and regional small business across the Great Southern of WA. I hold a Bachelor of Business [Agriculture] and a Diploma of Financial Counselling.
I work with a positive, can-do attitude, and believe I can bring these qualities and my skillset to the ASHS Board.
Anna Kennedy has been nominated for election as Director for Western Australia in the upcoming Board Elections.
About Anna
I am a passionate breeder and rider of Australian Stock Horses. My childhood was spent growing up on a station in the eastern Murchison of Western Australia. At 16, I bred my first horse from a brumby mare caught by my father, and registered him as an ASH. Today I breed a couple of horses a year, keeping a few mares for my family to ride and selling others. Some of those horses are now four generations of my breeding.
I strongly believe in “The Breed for Every Need” and the Australian Stock Horse’s ability and temperament to excel in a variety of disciplines. My children have competed at club through to National level in polocrosse, on horses we have bred and educated. We have also been involved in State Shows (once a year), campdrafting and ranch sorting, pony club, Light Horse displays, novelties and barrel racing, Branch ASH challenges, trail riding and farm/station work.
My work background is mostly in agriculture and tertiary education. I have a Bachelor of Business (Agriculture), Post Graduate Diploma in Business (Marketing), Master of Rural Management (by Research) and a Certificate IV in Training & Assessment.
I spent 15 years as a part-time lecturer teaching various subjects at the Muresk Institute of Agriculture – the University where I gained my degree, 10 years as a part-time lecturer in agriculture at TAFE, 12 years as a clerk of course and catcher at Thoroughbred and Standardbred country race meetings, 22 years as a partner in small business/ farming, a few years on a sheep research station, and in a variety of casual jobs on farms and stations around WA. I now have a small farm in the midwest of WA near Geraldton, where I have a few livestock and too many horses.
I spent about eight years on an advisory board for Muresk. We were getting the business degree back up and running, after a change of focus of the original Curtin University (and subsequent changes of ownership of the facility) to Charles Sturt University running a rural business degree there.
I would hope to represent Members across a range of interests in ASH activities. I am passionate about the Heritage Stock Horse and keeping true to the Society’s aims of preserving the history and bloodlines of the horses that developed Australia. I would like to have a Society that can provide real benefits to all Members who own Australian Stock Horses, in a way that will meet Member’s needs.
My days of riding competitively are numbered due to injuries, however I would like to give back, for a type of horse that can be a joy to ride, work and compete on, and be ridden by the whole family.
Nominations are now OPEN for interested Members to be elected to the ASHS Board. In 2024 the following Directors will retire, and are eligible for re-election:
Jenny Petrich - Northern Australia
Lance Butcher - Western Australia
Amy Grubb - South East Australia
Members representing the following areas will be elected or re-elected to the Board of Directors for a three-year term from 2024 to 2027:
1 from Northern Australia
1 from Western Australia
1 from South East Australia
Nominations must be received by Head Office by email or post, no later than 4.30pm Wednesday, 29th February 2024.
𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗠𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘀: 𝗗𝗡𝗔 & 𝗚𝗗𝗧 𝗙𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸
Please follow the link to our DNA Webinar released today.
We ask that you view the Webinar and complete the survey, available via the QR code or link below.
A dedicated email address is also available to you should you wish to expand your thoughts or ask questions regarding further introduction of compulsory DNA and GDT:
We appreciate your time in viewing the Webinar and providing your feedback. Member’s feedback will be collated and presented to the Board early in the New Year.
Your feedback will assist the Board in making decisions regarding the future requirements for registration.
Dear Members,
It is with great pleasure I announce that the 2024 AGM will be held in Perth, Western Australia.
It has been 20 years since an AGM was held in WA; WA is the fourth largest Membership state in Australia, and we look forward to connecting with as many Members as possible.
Venue: Rendezvous Hotel, Scarborough, Perth.
Rendezvous Hotel is a part of the TFE Hotel Group and has been a corporate partner of ASHS for the past four years.
TFE Hotel Group offers preferred rates to ASHS members. If you are looking to attend the AGM, please check out the TFE Hotel Group.
Members will need to register to attend the AGM, with further details being made available closer to the date.
Kind Regards,
Jenny Petrich
The ASHS Board of Directors wishes to announce that the current Board vacancies have been filled by invite by the following Members: Mr Sam Amey, Sutton, NSW, Mr Larry Cutler, Tanjil South, Vic, and Mr Robert Watchirs, Inverell, NSW.
Acting Chairperson Jenny Petrich made the announcement this afternoon, stating, “the current Directors saw great value in inviting these passionate and dedicated ASHS Members onto the Board."
She said these positions will be an Agenda item at the next AGM for ratification and endorsement by the Membership.
Sam Amey says, “I've been involved with horses my entire life. My wife and I established ASAR Stock Horse Stud in 2006 and we've been breeding, training and campaigning since that time. I've put my name forward for the Australian Stock Horse Society Board as horses are my passion, and I want to see the continued growth of the Society.”
Larry Cutler says, “I've been on the Board previously and understand the workings of the business, and where we have potential to tweak some things. I look forward to working with the current Board and current General Manager."
Robert Watchirs says, "I believe my previous experience on the Board will be of benefit to all Members of the Society and I look forward to working with the other Board Members as we move the ASHS into the future.”
Jenny Petrich concluded, "We warmly welcome Sam, Larry, and Robert, and look forward to achieving some outstanding outcomes for Members and the Society as a whole."
The Society wishes to advise Members of the following Board Executive positions:
Acting Chairperson - Jenny Petrich
Acting Senior Vice Chairperson - Tricia Thomas
Acting Junior Vice Chairperson - Lance Butcher
David Ricketts has resigned as Chairman and Director of the ASHS Board effective 16/09/2023.
David’s resignation was received citing personal reasons and was accepted with complete understanding of his decision.
David Ricketts joined the Society in early 2007 and was elected to the Board as a Director in 2020; and to the position of Chairman in May this year.
The Board and General Manager extend their sincere thanks to David for his contribution as a Director, Chairman and long-standing member of the Society.
Jenny Petrich
Acting Chairperson
Darren de Jong joined the Society in early 2002. Darren was elected as a Director of the Board in 2019 and re-elected by Members for a second term in 2022.
Darren has decided to resign as a Director effectively immediately. It is with regret that his resignation has been accepted. Darren’s contribution as a Director over the past 5 years has been exemplary. His sincere passion and knowledge of the breed, its heritage, genetics and his practical nature was always beneficial when planning for the future and betterment of the Society.
The Board and General Manager extend their sincere thanks to Darren for his immeasurable contribution to the Society both as a Director and a Gold Member. Our very best wishes go with him.
David Ricketts, Chairman ASHS
Directors of the ASHS Board are pleased to advise Members that Mrs. Catherine Smith has been appointed the new General Manager of the Australian Stock Horse Society.
Catherine has a history with the Society filling the role of General Manager from 2007 through to 2011. Her return as the GM will ensure that the Society moves into the future with stability, professionalism and a wealth of experience.
Congratulations and Welcome Catherine!
Dear Members & Staff,
The Board of Directors would like to announce the resignation of Jackie Richards as the General Manager of the ASHS Ltd.
The Board would like to thank Jackie for her time as General Manager and wish her well in her future.
Thank you
Barry Moore
Following due course as per the ASHS Rules, the Society is pleased to release the results of the 2023 Board Elections.
Elected for NSW | David Ricketts and Patricia Thomas
Elected for South Qld | Judi Powell
Congratulations to David on his re-appointment for the next three years, and a warm welcome to Patricia and Judi to the ASHS Board of Directors.
The Society would especially like to thank outgoing Directors Brett Welsh, Sara Grills and David Nash for their contributions.
2023 Board Elections
In 2023 the following ASHS Directors will retire, and are eligible for re-election:
Brett Welsh - South Queensland
David Nash - South East Australia
David Ricketts - New South Wales
Sara Grills - New South Wales
Members representing the following areas will be elected or re-elected to the Board of Directors for a three-year term (2023-2026):
1 from South Queensland
2 from New South Wales
1 from South East Australia
Current Financial Members are invited to nominate, lodging the below form with Head Office no later than Tuesday, 28thFebruary 2023.
Following due course as per the ASHS Rules, and on the advice of the scrutineer from Rose & Partners Pty Ltd, the ASHS is pleased to release the results of the 2022 Board Elections.
The Society would like to sincerely thank all candidates.
This election was conducted electronically. The voter participation was disappointing from previous Board elections, with only 449 Members voting out of 2158 Members eligible.
Press Release – 2022 National Show
The ASHS National Show Committee and ASHS Board have made the difficult decision to postpone the 2022 ASHS National Show that was due to commence Thursday 10 March 2022. Due to the unprecedented weather event on the East Coast of Australia and the impact that has had on Members, Judges and Volunteers attending and resulting in a high volume of scratching’s, both the National Show Committee and the Board felt under the circumstances it would impact our ability to run a successful show. In support of our membership and taking the financial impact on the Society into consideration, there was no other alternative but to postpone the show.
We are currently working with the venue to secure a new date. Further details regarding the date will be circulated to all Members along with information on refunds, camping & stabling and nominations for the rescheduled event as soon as available.
We would like to send our support and thoughts to all our Members who have been impacted by this unprecedented weather event.
𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐒 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝
2YO Snaffle Bit Futurity
The Board along with its sub-committees resolved to amend the 2yo Futurity with the now adopted “Ridden Pattern”. It was debated substantially to include 2 rollbacks into the 2YO Snaffle bit event, with options being to include them in the utility pattern, to include them in the hack pattern or to remove the hack pattern and replace it with a working pattern. After much debate it was decided to implement a new concept, being the “Ridden Pattern”. This pattern is not considered to be either a hack or a working pattern, thus the name “Ridden”.
The concept is that the 2YO horse is indeed in the very infancy of their ridden life, therefore it is the Board’s belief that in the 2YO Snaffle Bit Futurity, this horse should not be required to complete neither a hack or a working-class but it is more acceptable for the 2YO horse to complete a “Ridden” pattern that simply demonstrates the basic training of a 2YO Australian Stock Horse. In the following year when the horse becomes a 3YO and competes in the 3YO Futurity, the concept naturally evolves to a hack pattern and a working pattern, so that the horse can show the development of its training over time.
To assist the membership with the new concept a pattern description was composed to inform Judges, Competitors and Spectators of the desired requirements to fulfil the correct execution of the Ridden Pattern. The pattern description is included on the pattern score sheet and is also shown below. There is no desire to see “big stops” or “fast turns” from these 2YO horses. The pattern description clearly outlines to one and all, the intention of execution of the “2YO Ridden Pattern”.
Pattern Description for Judges, Competitors and Spectators as noted on the pattern.
“The 2YO ridden section is designed to show the basic training required for an Australian Stock Horse to start its working/performance career.
The Horse should be obedient to all commands and should be ridden on a light rein throughout the pattern to show a free-flowing/work-like movement through all paces.
The desire is to see a relaxed, well mannered young horse in the infancy of its training”.
The Board of the Australian Stock Horse Society.
Members may be aware from recent press reports that Paul Wardell, a member of the Society, is in custody following his conviction on 23 counts of aggravated sexual assault and indecent assault of two teenage girls. The Society has not made any comment to the press at this stage as we felt it was important to communicate with our Members in the first instance.
The court will hand down its sentence on 22 October 2021.
The Society has not been involved in any court proceedings leading to Wardell’s conviction.
The Society is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for young members to participate in the activities of the Society.
The Society’s Child Protection National Policy, which may be viewed on the website, details the procedures and protocols in place to ensure the protection of minors and strict compliance with its legal and ethical obligations. Members are urged to review the policy and maintain their familiarity with its requirements. Wardell’s offending provides a salient example of the need to keep the protection of minors at the forefront of mind.
After being made aware of Wardell’s charges, the Society suspended his accreditation as a judge, inspector and coach.
In light of the convictions, the Society has also removed Wardell from the Society’s List of Prominent Breeders and will now proceed with disciplinary action based on constitutional and legal advice to consider his expulsion as a member at a meeting of the Board to be held on Wednesday 13th October 2021.
Andrew Cooper
CEO - Australian Stock Horse Society
From the Boardroom Board Meeting 6-7 September 2021
The Board held a virtual meeting on Monday 6 September and Tuesday 7 September 2021.
First on the Agenda was the Election of Office Bearers, the following positions were filled:-
Chairman of the Board:- Lorna Fanning
Senior Vice-Chair:- Brett Welsh
Junior Vice-Chair:- Jenny Petrich
Treasurer:-Darren de Jong
Branch allocations for Directors were also decided, these can be viewed on the ASHS website 2021/2022 Board of Directors. This document also provides contact details for each Director.
Election of Committees occurred:-
Stud Book
Convenor – Brett Welsh
David Nash
Lance Butcher
Darren de Jong
Barry Moore
Sara Grills
Events Committee
Convenor – David Ricketts
Brendan Mills
Barry Moore
Jenny Petrich
Brett Welsh
Lance Butcher
David Nash
Member Services
Convenor – Jenny Petrich
David Ricketts
Barry Moore
Sara Grills
Lance Butcher
Convenor – Darren de Jong
David Ricketts
David Nash
Jenny Petrich
Lance Butcher
International Committee
Convenor – Sara Grills
Brendan Mills
Jenny Petrich
Youth Committee
Convenor – David Nash
David Ricketts
Brendan Mills
Barry Moore
Sara Grills
Brett Welsh
ASHLA Representative
Jenny Petrich
50th Anniversary Committee
Barry Moore
Campdraft Committee
Lorna Fanning
Polocrosse Committee
Sara Grills
ASHS Stockman’s Challenge - The Board agreed to move forward and develop ASHS Rules, Regulation & Patterns through the Events Committee for this event.
Voting Postcodes between Branches -The Member Services Committee will be investigating irregularities with voting postcodes between Branches.
Mentoring Programme – The Member Services Committee will look at a suggestion to develop a Mentoring Programme at its next meeting.
Swan Cup - The Board agreed to carry over its sponsorship of Swan Cup to 2022.
Proposed Branch in South Africa – The International Committee continue to assist South Africa with forming a Branch of the ASHS.
Rules and Regulations
Rule Changes:-
A number of Rule changes or updates were approved.
Events Rules & Regulations, Section 9 – Tack & Attire, 11.1.3 have “Bosals or hackamores” removed from wording, to become. “Competitors are allowed to ride in saddlery of their own choice, and horses can be worked in any bits, however, the horse must have free use of its head and any type of head tie-down, running reins, head checks etc. must not be used.”
Events Rules & Regulations, Section 3 – Tack - 8.1.5 be changed to “Australian Style stock saddles and fender saddles are permitted. (stirrups and leathers optional style). Western saddles or saddles with a horn are not permitted”
‘That all Branch and State Management Council Shows, who run Youth Classes in their programme including Youth Judging Classes, must have a class for competitors over 18 years and under 21 years of age.
The updating of the Concussion Policy
Rules and Regulations, Section 3 – Registration of Horses, include a new clause after rule 2.3.1 in relation to Embryo Transfer as follows:
2.3.1 Refers to the veterinary procedure where a Veterinarian or Qualified Person flushes fertile embryos from a donor mare and transfers viable fertile embryos into a recipient mare. Donor and recipient mares are usually treated with hormones so they ovulate within a given time schedule for the procedure. Under the Embryo Transfer rules, Oocyte Transfers and Equine Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection ICSI are acceptable, being procedures where a Veterinarian or Qualified Person flushes an unfertile egg from a donor mare, then transfers the egg or an embryo to a recipient mare. Rules for Embryo Transfer, apply to any Oocyte Transfer or Equine Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) procedure.
Rules and Regulations, Section 3 – Registration of Horses, rule 20 Heritage Stock Horse, the Board have deferred ALL 1st June 2021 changes to 1st August 2022, with the Stud Book Committee continuing to review the Heritage Stock Horse and Thoroughbred outcomes under these rules.
20.3.1 To be eligible for Heritage Stock Horse, Breed Ancestry must NOT exceed the following: Until 1st August 2022, equivalent to 100% Thoroughbred. From 1st August 2022, not equivalent to or exceed 50% Thoroughbred lineage.
20.4 Definitions for BREED ANCESTRY and clarification for acceptable breed limitations, we provide the following:
20.4.1 Until 1st August 2022, the horse being assessed is not a Stud Book (Thoroughbred); or 100% Thoroughbred (TB) lineage, being all grandparents (2nd generation) being Thoroughbred registered on any international Thoroughbred Online Stud Book.
20.4.2 From 1st August 2022, the horse being assessed is not a Stud Book (Thoroughbred); and must not be equivalent to or exceed 50% Thoroughbred (TB) lineage, being one parent (1st generation), two grandparents (2nd generation) or four great grandparents (3rd generation) being Thoroughbred registered on any international Thoroughbred Online Stud Book. Further generations are not assessed for Thoroughbred registration.
Rules and Regulations, Section 3 – Registration of Horses, the Board have adopted the following rule amendments in relation to altered Breeding Certificates:
3.8 From 1st September 2021, an ASH Breeding Certificate lodged with an Application for Registration that is incomplete or incorrectly completed may be ACCEPTED, or REJECTED by the Society as follows:
3.8.1 The Stallion Owner is responsible for ensuring the correct information in relation to the mating is completed on the ASH Breeding Certificate. Incomplete ASH Breeding Certificates will be returned to the stallion owner for completion.
3.8.2 Alterations to ASH Breeding Certificates may be accepted providing the change is clearly able to be determined by the Society with only one line through the error, correct information clearly completed. Any acceptable alterations not initialled by the Stallion Owner will be returned to the Stallion Owner.
3.8.3 ASH Breeding Certificates submitted with an Application for Registration and the Society has determined the certificate is incorrect, the certificate will be returned to the Stallion Owner for alteration. Providing the alteration is acceptable by the Society, the altered ASH Breeding Certificate for the purpose of the registration may be accepted.
3.8.4 The use of white out will result in the ASH Breeding Certificate being REJECTED. Inability for the Society to determine the initial information through multiple crossing out of an error will result in the ASH Breeding Certificate being REJECTED. More than one change to the same information will result in the ASH Breeding Certificate being REJECTED.
3.8.5 It is the responsibility of the stallion owner to ensure ALL service agreements require any changes to ASH Breeding Certificates to be initialled by the Stallion Owner.
3.8.6 ASH Breeding Certificates may only be used for one Application for Registration. If an ASH Breeding Certificate is submitted with a second Application for Registration, it will be REJECTED.
New Trophy for National Youth Show was now implemented to recognise the most successful Branch annually at the National Youth Show.
50th Anniversary Committee agreed to apply to Tamworth Council to seek agreement for the next time capsule and the memorial stone to be relocated to AELEC.
The Classic Ladies Foundation, Young Ambassador Quest ASHS representative for 2022, will be Alexandria Barnes.
The Society proudly celebrating 50 years
Welcome one and all to this historic year of the Australian Stock Horse Society, wow 50 years. The journey of the 50th Anniversary year of our great Society has begun and I hope everyone is saddled up and ready for a fantastic year of celebrating our magnificent Australian Stock Horse and the Society in general.
The first major ideas from the committee are now in fruition with the delivery of the wrist watches and the coffee table book well underway with the publishers. Almost all of the wrist watches have been sold and these will be worn with pride throughout the year and into the future, a wonderful keepsake. There will be the possibility of a second round of sales for the wrist watches dependent on demand. The coffee table book continues to meet all publishing deadlines and is sure to be delivered on time for sales at the National show. There has been an unprecedented amount of work go into this book and the result is being awaited with great anticipation.
We should by now have stocks of merchandise at Head Office that you the Members can purchase to show your love of the Society and this great achievement. Going forward into the year we have ordered a number of memorandum pieces that will be awarded at many of our major events, these include Fob watches, Medallions, Ribbon badges and lapel pins.
As we enter 2021, I have been thinking more and more about the 50th Anniversary and the significance of this milestone and the blood, sweat and tears that so many have put into the Society over the years. As a way to encourage Members, particularly our younger Members to express their appreciation of the Society and their love of the ASH Breed we have pleasure in launching the 50th Anniversary Writing & Poetry Competition.
Depending on the category our budding writers will have the opportunity to research horses, breeding, breeders, studs and the origins of bloodlines or to choose a past or present prominent member and research their involvement and contribution to the Society. This competition will give the opportunity to learn more about ASH bloodlines, the early years of the ASHS and some of the Society’s most dedicated and committed Members.
The competition will offer 4 different categories and be broken up into 4 age groups. The winners will be announced at the 2021 AGM and published in the ASHS Journal. All entries will be displayed at the 2021 AGM. There will be prizes for the winner of each age group in each category.
A new event that has been instigated by the Board and that will form part of our major celebration events is the ASHS Championship Campdraft. This event will be held in Goondiwindi, Queensland on the 6th,7th & 8th of August and is sure to be an exciting event in our 50th year.
We are still continuing to work hard behind the scenes to bring together a tremendous week of celebrations based around the AGM, so more to come from this in the near future. After implementing the Platinum badges for 30 years or more continuous Membership we are proud to also announce that a Diamond badge and membership has been developed and will be rolled out this year, the 50th year, and these VIP members will be presented with their badges at the AGM in Scone.
In the early months of this year 50 years ago the first meetings of our passionate forebears were coming together to lay the foundation for what we now have today. Work has been going on to try and organise events to commemorate these meetings. Hopefully, there will be more information to come shortly.
Members get engaged, remember your history and celebrate this magnificent milestone.
Barry Moore 50th Anniversary Convenor
Tri-Nations Challenge
I have received notification that the Australian Hunter & Show Horse Association (AHSHA) have had to cancel the Tri-Nations Challenge of their forthcoming show due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. Their full show will continue at this stage.
I would like to thank the members that have contacted me offering their horses for the event. The AHSHA have requested that the Society be involved with this event in 2021, so hopefully, we can help them with their request to supply horses next year.
Regards Vicki Mascord.
The Society has been approached by the Australian Hunter & Show Horse Association (AHSHA) to become involved in their Tri-Nations Challenge between three countries being the UK, NZ and Australia.
These three countries are represented by four riders between the ages of 18 – 25 years, who have been selected to represent their country in judging, dressage and showing.
The Tri-Nations entrants will require 12 horses (plus possibly another 3 as back up), and the AHSHA have invited the Society to provide these horses as they are known for the breed for every need.
This competition will be held on the Friday of the AHSHA 2020 National Show on the 27 -29 November 2020 in Canberra.
The horses will be required to complete a led judging section – currently, the committee is thinking along the lines of our Junior Judging event. All horses will be required to be of a suitable level to complete a Preliminary 1B Dressage test and this would be followed by Hack / Hunter show class.
These 12 riders and horses will attend a Masterclass prior to the competition. Leading show riders/trainers/dressage/working hunter/show preparation instructors will host the three Masterclasses for the Tri-Nations competitors. The horses will be introduced to the 12 riders by the owners of the horses and the use of the training arenas around the grounds can be used to familiarise themselves with the horse. The horses will be selected at random via a draw which is non-negotiable by competitors. The owners of the horses will be required to outline any issues / specific riding instruction and the like to each competitor.
Any horse which is selected, that is already registered with the AHSHA will be eligible to compete over the weekend following the Tri-Nations Challenge with their own rider.
A brief outline of performances in all 3 sections, along with the details of age, height, the gender of the horse and the suitability for another rider to compete on will be required. This will be issued following an expression of interest made to Vicki Mascord – 0427 460 920 or by email
The Society can see this as a wonderful opportunity to showcase our Breed.
A message from the Chief Executive Officer regarding recent Facebook activity
In light of some very negative comments from Society Members on various Facebook Pages over the last 24 hours regarding the Society’s Prominent Breeders List, I want to take the opportunity to remind everyone of our Social Media Policy that can be found on the ASHS Website:
In renewing for 2020, Members agree to observe the Society’s Rules and Regulations, and Codes of Conduct. Any failure to do so will not be tolerated and the Society will take all action deemed necessary to protect the integrity of the Society.
If any Member has an issue or matter they would like to raise than I encourage you to contact the Society so we can discuss this directly and not hide behind a social media post.
Freedom of speech is important as it often generates ideas but negative speech is unproductive.
During these challenging times where we are all trying to do our very best with limited resources to maintain our Member Services and promote the ASHS community, it is extremely disappointing that some Members choose to use this time to generate such inflammatory comments.
Now more than ever it is important to be mindful of the welfare of our friends and neighbours and the broader community. We will continue to provide updates and will endeavour to maintain our service to Members, albeit in a limited capacity. The Society’s focus is and will remain to continue to support our Members and promote our wonderful breed.
On behalf of the ASHS Board and Staff, we hope that you all stay safe and continue to look after one and other.
We know that many of you are facing great uncertainty and please know that we are available via phone and email.
I want to provide an update to all our Members and needless to say these are difficult times as the current pandemic is such a moving beast. We are constantly reviewing information on a daily basis to try and plan for the future and following is a quick overview of where we are currently positioned;
National Show Refunds – We regret this has been a slow process due to some issues from a third party supplier. We are now working through these manually and plan to start refunding these fees from today. We wanted to ensure these were accurate before refunding to all competitors.
2020 National Show Dates – We have secured a new booking at AELEC from 9 to 13 September. The National Show Committee will be looking at the program to see what can be run over these 5 days. Should this situation of the Coronavirus continue during this planned date, then we will endeavour to secure an alternate date to run before the end of the year. As there is no certainty at this stage we can only wait and see and have some contingency plans in place.
FOY – We plan to run the FOY Sale in conjunction with the National Show and will continue to provide everyone with updates when available.
ASH National Campdraft Championships – The plans to run the inaugural Campdraft Championship have been cancelled for this year so this will now become a feature event next year as part of our 50th Anniversary.
USA & Canada Breeder’s Tour – The plans to run this tour in September have also been postponed with the tour to be rescheduled for 2021. All Members who have submitted an Expression of Interest will be contacted individually.
ASH Society Office – Currently we have three staff who are in self-isolation as they have either been overseas or interstate. Our first priority is to ensure all our staff are safe and we continue to work on taking precautionary measures for their wellbeing. From today, the office will be closed to the public however we will continue to operate from inside at this stage.
We are currently working through what I see as our primary role in keeping on top of the processing of new Memberships, Renewals, Registrations, Transfers and responding to all phone and email enquiries. If we can also implement other initiatives in the short to medium term then, of course, we will do so.
We are also working through many other business requirements including the end of the financial year on 31 March and Audit which may affect the ability to run our AGM in August. This also affects all Branches and State Management Councils. From the information released on Sunday, I expect the Government to release changes around this soon.
As we have seen regularly in the media, the Coronavirus is an unprecedented outbreak and is something we all need to deal with for the time being, so let’s bunker down as we ride this out together.
Please stay safe and we will continue to update our Members as we learn more.
Andrew Cooper Chief Executive Officer
Important Information regarding all ASHS Branch and Management Council Events and Activities
Today the Board and Management agreed following advice from Government Heath Authorities and our Risk Managers that all ASHS events be suspended effective immediately until further notice, meetings are exempt.
This decision was not taken lightly and we hope Members will understand and support that the measures are in the best interest of all Members, stakeholders and the general public.
This process will be reviewed on a fortnightly basis and we will continue to provide information as it comes to hand.
Should you require any further information, please call Head Office on 02 65451122
2020 ASHS National Show Update
2020 ASHS National Show Update
The Board and Management have decided today not to proceed with the National Show on 24th to 30th April 2020.
Following the implementation today of the Public Health Public Events Order by Brad Hazzard MP, Minister for Health and Medical Research, the Board unanimously agreed to postpone the National Show program to a date in September or October. Further advice on dates will be made as soon as these are confirmed.
The Board also agreed to refund all nomination fees in full and this will be done as soon as is practical. We will be in contact with AELEC and they will advise on their refund policy for Stabling and Camping.
Should you require any further information then please do not hesitate to contact Head Office on 02 6545 1122
Notice Concerning Horse Welfare
The Australian Stock Horse Society is aware of recent social media activity critical of a social media post by a well-known horse stud depicting images of the handling of a young horse. Those images were found to be deeply disturbing for many of the Society’s members and for many members of the broader community in general.
The Society takes the opportunity to confirm its absolute and unequivocal commitment towards horse welfare and the promotion of husbandry practices consistent with positive horse welfare and well-being. The Society maintains a Code of Conduct for ASHS Breeders and Horse Owners that elaborates, through a series of core value statements, the Society’s expectations and requirements of its members in relation to horse husbandry practices. The Society also has in place a Horse Welfare Policy that embraces the Australian Horse Welfare Protocol, the collaborative work of a number of national horse organisations and administered by the Australian Horse Industry Council. The Protocol sets out in detail the standards to which members are required to adhere in relation to all aspects of horse husbandry practices and, importantly, guidelines for achieving those ends.
It is of utmost importance to the Society that its Code of Conduct for ASHS Breeders and Horse Owners and its Horse Welfare Policy be observed by its members in the strictest of terms. The Board is currently investigating this matter. Concerns or complaints about horse welfare issues should be made direct to the Society and will be promptly and thoroughly investigated.
A Message From the Chairman
Dear Members,
The Board would like to offer our thoughts & prayers for everyone affected by these horrific fires and devastating drought and hope & pray for rain in the very near future.
The Board is looking forward to 2020 and welcoming our new CEO, Andrew Cooper, who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Society.
The National Youth Pointscore for 2019 is currently open and need to be lodged by 31st January - Nominate Here. Your polocrosse achievements for 2019 need to be submitted for consideration of ASHS State Rookie & Open Horse awards and lodged by 31st January - Lodge Resume. Don’t miss the opportunity to submit your achievements for these awards.
On behalf of the Board, I take this opportunity to mention some of the Society’s initiatives to be introduced during 2020.
Registration discounts are available until 31 January 2020. To take advantage of these discounts submit your Breeding Certificate and Application for Registration with payment. Discount Offer
One of the biggest enhancements adopted by the Board was the new Registration Category – Base Registry that opened 1st January 2020 for horses with 1 HSH Parent, or 1 HSH Grandparent, or 2 HSH Great Grandparents. Registry Eligibility & Fees
The Board has moved a Motion at the August Board Meeting to Introduce a HSH Stud Book, as soon as the computer system has been upgraded.
The Board has reviewed Heritage Stock Horse (HSH) rules and agreed a horse must attain 87.5% Heritage Stock Horse to be eligible. Any horse assessed as eligible will continue to have HSH as a suffix behind their registered name, both now & in the future. Changes to HSH and the removal of LH, MB, UB and the like will be implemented later in the year after computer development is completed.
In regards to Special Merit horses, the ability to register new horses under these rules will commence being phased out from 1st January 2021. Horses previously registered as Special Merit, will remain Special Merit. The Board is considering phasing out Exceptional Circumstances Registrations in the future.
There is currently work being done on reviewing patterns to enable the ASHS to release a new Pattern Book later in the year.
The ASHS Board has approved new Registration and Inspection Rules & Regulations and we recommend Members take the time to read these on the website.
In 2021 the Board will introduce a Loyalty programme to reward members.
If you have any ideas for our 50th Anniversary Celebrations in 2021 please let us know.
We thank you for your ongoing support during 2019. We hope you enjoy being involved in the Society as a Breeder or at ASH events, either as a competitor, spectator, or volunteer and we look forward to working with you again in 2020.
Lastly a big thank you to outgoing CEO, Steve Guihot for taking the reins over the last 12 months, we appreciate it.
Society Announces new CEO
Society Chairman Ms Lorna Fanning today announced the Society had secured the services of an outstanding candidate for the role of CEO starting in January 2020.
“Andrew Cooper comes to us with an extensive background in event and project management as well as logistics and financial control”. Andrew’s relationship with the Society extends back to the late nineteen eighties, where he spent around 17 years until 2003 with the RAS Sydney in various management roles” she said.
Ms Fanning was enthusiastic about the appointment. “We have so many plans going forward and Andrew was a standout from over 25 Candidates for the position”.
Ms Fanning thanked the interim CEO for his time this year. “Steve provided us with an opportunity to refocus on what was important and we are grateful for that opportunity,” she said.
Looking forward Ms Fanning said Andrew will need to hit the ground running. “We have a National Show, Fiftieth Anniversary Plans, AGM, Approved Sales and a whole lot more to keep Andrew busy,” she said. “We hope the Members are as pleased about the appointment as we are”. Ms Fanning went on, “Andrew’s links to many of our established sponsors and his connections in the broader corporate world should enable us to continue to provide outstanding value for our Members in these tough and unusual times” she concluded.
Further details available by phoning the Australian Stock Horse Society (02) 6545 1122 or by email enquiry
From the Boardroom - November 2019
November was busy with a Board Meeting being held in Scone. At the meeting, many enhancements developed and prepared by the Stud Book Committee were adopted by the Board.
One of the biggest enhancements adopted by the Board was the Base Registry - a new registration category which is planned to open in the New Year. In practical terms, a Base Registry horse was a horse not previously eligible for ASH registration. A Base Registry horse will have one HSH parent, one HSH grandparent or two HSH great grandparents (ie at least 25% HSH or more) and may be registered as a mare, gelding or stallion. More details on the requirements, process and fees will be available in the New Year and published in the January/February 2020 Journal.
The Board also reviewed Heritage Stock Horse (HSH) rules, and agreed, that to receive HSH status, a horse must attain 87.5% Heritage Stock Horse. This will be phased in during the next financial year when the computer resources are updated.
Additionally, under the Breeding Purposes rules, the Board decided to include International Thoroughbreds or any horse registered by a Thoroughbred Stud Book authority, recognised by the International Stud Book Committee (ISBC).
With the introduction of the Base Registry, the need for Special Merit registration was debated. In reviewing statistics, most horses being registered under Special Merit are either currently eligible for First Cross ASH Registration or will be eligible under the Base Registry. As a result, it was decided that Special Merit Registrations would commence being phased out from 1st August 2021.
For further details on Boardroom decisions regarding Stud Book matters, please contact Brett Welsh 0429 120 874, or make sure you read the January/February 2020 Journal.
Lorna Fanning Chairman
Expressions Of Interest for the ASHS New Pattern Book
Members can send in patterns that may be considered for inclusion into the New ASHS Pattern Book.
To be submitted to the Events Department by email:
or post
PO Box 288 Scone NSW 2337 no later than 30th November 2019.
Australian Stock Horse Society Reduces Membership Fees for people renewing by early 2020
Australian Stock Horse Society Chairman Lorna Fanning announced today that the Board had frozen membership fees for next year and approved a reduced membership fee for all members renewing before early January 2020. Ms Fanning said that whilst a five percent discount wasn’t a lot, it was some recognition of the current circumstances for a great many of our Members. “We’d like it to be more,” she said, “this rotten drought is affecting so many people”. The Society relies on people renewing each year to be able to provide activities and benefits for its members. “We can’t continue to provide all of our services without the support of our members,” Ms Fanning said. “So if people can’t afford to feed stock or they are running out of water, there’s no way they can pay for things like membership,” she said. Ms Fanning was at pains to point out that the Society was not crying poor. “Some of our people are at breaking point, our first thoughts have to be with those that are dealing with the devastating consequences of this dry period,” she said. Ms Fanning went on to say that the Society has some modest but exciting plans for their 50th Anniversary in 2021. “Members need to know that we recognise that some are doing it really tough at the moment. We would ask that if at all possible you stick with us next year to enjoy all of what 2021 brings. It [the drought] has to break soon” she continued. The Society has weathered almost half a century of good times and bad. “The resilience of our members will see us through this tough time as well,” she said. “I can’t think of another organisation in this country better positioned with the history, heart, stamina and bright future to tackle another half-century” she concluded.
ASHS Announces A New Director
Society Chairman Ms Lorna Fanning today announced that a new Director had agreed to serve on the Board for the remainder of the term left vacant by the resignation of Robert Watchirs from NSW. The new Director is Ms Vicki Mascord from Sydney.
Ms Fanning said, “Vicki comes to the Board with a lifetime of experience and involvement in the Society through Branch & Management Council and was recently awarded our National Volunteer of the Year.” Ms Fanning continued “Vicki is highly regarded in the Society and in the broader horse industry in general.”
Ms Fanning said the Board would like to thank Robert Watchirs for his time on the Board and wish him well in the future.
With four women now on the Board, Ms Fanning said that gender balance was an important issue to be considered along with skill-based attributes when selecting a new Director. “The Society’s demographic is predominantly female and we need to reflect that on our Board,” she said.
With the Society set to celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 2021, Ms Fanning believes that more women should consider governance roles in the industry. “I am so pleased to be able to work with a Board that is progressive, cohesive and committed to what the future may hold” she concluded.
Update from Brett Welsh - Convener of the ASHS Stud Book Committee
I have received some questions regarding the proposed Base Register mentioned in a media release from our Chairman, Lorna Fanning.
The board is working towards keeping the membership informed and involved in proceedings, hence these updates. They will come as quickly and as often as possible. Some may be merely ideas for comment, others may develop into regulation. Please be involved and offer constructive criticism but refrain from distasteful remarks - these may be works in progress and we are all on the same team.
Base Register - The ‘Base Register’ is a working title for a concept in development.
It is proposed that the minimum entry level for a new sub-category - the (Base Registry) would require that a horse must have at least ONE HSH grandparent or TWO HSH great grandparents. (i.e. 25% HSH).
In conjunction with the proposed Heritage Stock Horse Stud Book, this proposal would bring our practices more in line with the Mission Statement of the Society.
So in summary, this means that going forward all horses being registered in the Base Registry will have to possess HSH ancestry. This is a concept. It requires much consultation, development, legal advice and regulation.
The Australian Stock Horse Society Announces new Chairman of The ASHS Board
The Australian Stock Horse Society is proud to announce that their new Chairman is Ms Lorna Fanning from Queensland. Ms Fanning from Warwick (Queensland) is a well-known local personality in the Campdraft and Stock Horse world.
Commenting after her first Board meeting as Chairman, Ms Fanning said that she was really pleased with both the direction and work ethic of the new Board. “Over the last two days we made decisions around member benefits, a Loyalty Program, a Heritage Stud Book, implementing a Base Register for horses that are not currently eligible for Stud Book Registration, the 50th Anniversary celebrations and a whole lot more.”
“We were also delighted with the news that with over 1000 sires now tested for genetic disorders, that only around 1% had come backtesting as a carrier,” she said. “This has given us the opportunity to manage the problem within our Stud Book” she continued.
“I am so pleased and humbled to be given the honour of leading this great organisation for the next twelve months. We have a great deal of work to do in preparation for our fiftieth anniversary and I am very keen to ensure that we honour our past and set a great platform for our future” she concluded.
2019 AGM & Awards Dinner
2019 Annual General Meeting will be held onSaturday 17th August, 2019in Brisbane, Queensland. Brisbane Riverview Hotel, Cnr Kingsford Smith Drive & Hunter Street Hamilton QLD 4007 Phone: (07) 3862 1800.
Registration will commence at 9.30am Members Forum to follow at 10.00am