Heritage Stud Book - ELIGIBILITY
HERITAGE STUD BOOK is recognised as the highest standard of breeding of the Australian Stock Horse.
A horse shall be eligible for registration in the HERITAGE STUD BOOK category if it shall:
Heritage lineage shall mean that the horse is a descendant either of the same breeds of horses ridden by the Australian Light Horse in World War I or of the breeds existing in Australia prior to 1945.
Mares, fillies, stallions, colts and geldings are eligible for Stud Book ASH Registration.
Stud Book horses do NOT require inspection.
Stud Book horses are eligible for ASH events, awards and sales.
Age determined on 1st August, as follows: Southern Hemisphere horses are one year older on 1st August each year. Northern Hemisphere horses are one year older on 1st January.
If the Stallion Owner was unfinancial when the mare was served, a $50.00 penalty fee will apply.
An additional fee of $95.00 for DNA is required for ALL progeny resulting from Artificial Insemination or Embryo Transfer.
Compulsory DNA Testing for Natural Service is being worked through a consultative process and general review. Further details will be released when available. Members are advised, compulsory DNA Testing may become a requirement at any time (for any Registration type) from 1st January 2024 and requirements will be announced in due course.
Complete ASH Rules & Regulations are provided on the Society’s website.
A horse shall be eligible for registration in the STUD BOOK category if it shall have either:
Mares, fillies, stallions, colts and geldings are eligible for Stud Book ASH Registration.
Stud Book horses do NOT require inspection.
Stud Book horses are eligible for ASH events, awards and sales.
Age determined on 1st August, as follows: Southern Hemisphere horses are one year older on 1st August each year. Northern Hemisphere horses are one year older on 1st January.
If the Stallion Owner was unfinancial when the mare was served, a $50.00 penalty fee will apply.
An additional fee of $95.00 for DNA is required for ALL progeny resulting from Artificial Insemination
Compulsory DNA Testing for Natural Service is being worked through a consultative process and general review. Further details will be released when available. Members are advised, compulsory DNA Testing may become a requirement at any time (for any Registration type) from 1st January 2024 and requirements will be announced in due course.
Complete ASH Rules & Regulations are provided on the Society’s website
Second Cross Book - ELIGIBILITY
A horse shall be eligible for registration in the SECOND CROSS category if it shall have either:
The registration number for Second Cross horses will be identified as “C2-”.
Mares, fillies, stallions, colts and geldings are eligible for Second Cross ASH Registration.
Second Cross horses do NOT require inspection by a Society Inspector.
Second Cross horses are eligible for ASH events, awards and sales.
Age determined on 1st August, as follows: Southern Hemisphere horses are one year older on 1st August each year. Northern Hemisphere horses are one year older on 1st January.
If the Stallion Owner was unfinancial when the mare was served, a $50.00 penalty fee will apply.
An additional fee of $95.00 for DNA is required for ALL progeny resulting from Artificial Insemination or Embryo Transfer.
Compulsory DNA Testing for Natural Service is being worked through a consultative process and general review. Further details will be released when available. Members are advised, compulsory DNA Testing may become a requirement at any time (for any Registration type) from 1st January 2024 and requirements will be announced in due course.
NOTE: A horse registered as Second Cross ASH, may also be denoted as a “Heritage Stock Horse” if it exhibits 87.5% Australian Stock Horse heritage lineage. Heritage lineage shall mean that the horse is a descendant either of the same breeds of horses ridden by the Australian Light Horse in World War I or of the breeds existing in Australia prior to 1945.
Complete ASH Rules & Regulations are provided on the Society’s website
Breeding Purposes – ELIGIBILITY
A horse shall be eligible for registration in the BREEDING PURPOSES ONLY category if it shall be a Thoroughbred registered in the Thoroughbred Stud Book. Horses must be registered with a Thoroughbred Stud Book authority, recognised by the International Stud Book Committee (ISBC). Race eligible horses, registered in a Non-Thoroughbred Register (or similar) are not eligible.
Breeding Purposes horses will only be accepted as equivalent to Second Cross status.
The registration number for Breeding Purposes Only horses will be identified as “B2-”.
Registration is limited to mares, fillies, stallions and colts for Breeding Purposes only.
Horses may be registered at any age and must pass inspection by a Society Inspector, after branding or microchipping
Breeding Purposes horses are NOT eligible for ASH events, awards and sales.
Complete ASH Rules & Regulations are provided on the Society’s website
First Cross Book - ELIGIBILITY
A mare or gelding shall be eligible for registration in the FIRST CROSS category if it shall have either:
The registration number for First Cross horses will be identified as “C1-”.
Mares, fillies and geldings are eligible for First Cross ASH Registration. Stallions not eligible for First Cross Registration.
Horses may be registered at any age and must pass inspection by a Society Inspector, after branding.
First Cross horses are eligible for ASH events, awards and sales.
All mares and fillies will be required to be DNA and HERDA tested. No additional fees required.
Compulsory DNA Testing for Natural Service is being worked through a consultative process and general review. Further details will be released when available. Members are advised, compulsory DNA Testing may become a requirement at any time (for any Registration type) from 1st January 2024 and requirements will be announced in due course.
NOTE: A horse registered as First Cross ASH, may also be denoted as a “Heritage Stock Horse” if it exhibits 87.5% Australian Stock Horse heritage lineage. Heritage lineage shall mean that the horse is a descendant either of the same breeds of horses ridden by the Australian Light Horse in World War I or of the breeds existing in Australia prior to 1945.
Complete ASH Rules & Regulations are provided on the Society’s website
Base Registry - ELIGIBILITY
A horse shall be eligible for registration in the BASE REGISTRY category if it shall have one parent, or one grandparent, or two great grandparents registered as an Australian Stock Horse and denoted as being a Heritage Stock Horse.
The registration number for the Base Registry horses will be identified as “R-”.
Base Registry horses may be registered at any age and must pass inspection by a Society Inspector, after branding.
Eligible mares, fillies, stallions, colts and geldings may be registered in the Base Registry category.
Base Registry horses are eligible for ASH events, awards and sales.
NOTE: A horse registered as Base Registry ASH, may also be denoted as a “Heritage Stock Horse” if it exhibits 87.5% Australian Stock Horse heritage lineage. Heritage lineage shall mean that the horse is a descendant either of the same breeds of horses ridden by the Australian Light Horse in World War I or of the breeds existing in Australia prior to 1945.
Complete ASH Rules & Regulations are provided on the Society’s website